
Notes: Northern strain redbud was developed by the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, the Northern strain redbud was produced by selecting seeds from the best-surviving individuals of eastern redbud throughout Minnesota's harsh winter. The result is a strain of eastern redbud that is hardy in zone 4 rather than the usual zone 5. The bark of this tree has an inner orange-red color that becomes completely red with maturity. Leaves are simple and grow alternately, lengths of 3" to 5", leaves have a heart-shape with an entire margin. They are a dark green changing to a clear yellow, with a fall color that is yellow-green. Flowers are rose-pink to magenta, they grow in small clusters of pea-like blossoms that will appear in early May-April.

Botanical Name: Cercis canadensis
Size: 20 ft.high 20 ft.wide
Sun: Full sun
Water: Regular weekly water
05/07/2024 TR-FL-7-REDBUD_MN_ST.jpg